Showbie og socrative webinarer for norske lérere og skoleledere (Lin Education) 🇳🇮

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Gjennom samarbeidet med Lin Education tilbyr Showbie en gratis webinar-serie som skal vise hvor enkelt og raskt du kan komme i gang med Showbie og Socrative. Introduksjon til Showbie & Socrative – Fra et lĂŠrerperspektiv Watch a recording of this webinar session on YouTube Mandag 20. april 15.00, mandag 27. april 19.30 (CEST) Dette webinaret vil…

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Showbie och socrative webbseminarier för svenska lĂ€rare och skolledare (Lin Education) 🇾đŸ‡Ș

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Showbie erbjuder genom sitt samarbete med Lin Education en kostnadsfri webinar-serie, som syftar till att visa hur enkelt och snabbt du kan komma igĂ„ng med Showbie och Socrative. PĂ„ dessa tillfĂ€llen fĂ„r ni se och kĂ€nna pĂ„ hur enkelt och pĂ„litligt verktyget Ă€r. Introduktion till Showbie & Socrative – Ur ett lĂ€rarperspektiv Watch a recording of…

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Showbie donates US$1M in Pro subscriptions to help bridge the gap to remote learning

| EdTech, Showbie News | By

During March and April 2020 we granted 16,230 free Showbie Pro and Socrative pro-teacher licenses across 113 school districts and 2,681 schools, a value of US$1.05 million! We’re inspired to see the resilience of teachers as they take on the unprecedented challenge of remote learning. Showbie and Socrative form the essential tools to manage a distance…

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The Showbie Team at Bett 2020

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The Showbie team is excited to be attending Bett 2020 in London, UK, January 22 to 25, 2020. We would love to see you on our seventh trip to Bett. Showbie combines all of the essential tools for assignments, feedback, and communication in one easy-to-use, time-saving, assessment platform. Showbie also offers Socrative for realtime interactive quizzing and polling!…

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Showbie and the SAMR Model

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Since getting 1:1 iPads, the SAMR model has had the biggest impact on my teaching philosophy. SAMR stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition and describes different ways to leverage technology in the classroom. Image source: Schoology The first step, Substitution, comes when an educator substitutes the technology for something else. For example, you may…

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