What happened when Ms. Ryder handed out assignments from her couch? (video)

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This post was written with guest bloggers Megan Ryder & Kristen Olsen – if you would like to be featured on the Showbie blog please email Justin here! When planning for guided reading or math groups, teachers are looking for ways to differentiate lessons for students.  As instructional coaches, we support teachers, like you, in the four areas of differentiation…

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QR Code Scavenger Hunt… App Smashed with Showbie!

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This post was written with Showbie Thought Leader, Caryn Trautz.  QR code scavenger hunts occur about once a month in my class. My students are all very engaged when solving the problems they “find” and I love watching them search for the next problem to solve. When I first started doing QR code scavenger hunts I had my…

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